Sunday, April 4, 2010

Insights part 2

In my last post I spoke of using the universe as a power that has no mind. Like electricity, for example. It can be tapped for use, but it itself has no consciousness of its own. It cannot tell us what to do. Like electrify, it too has rules that must be obeyed, however, if we want to gain access to that power. In electricity, the wires must be insulated. You must use the right equipment for the available voltage. Plugging a 12 v DC item into a 120 volt outlet leads to problems.

Thus, it is true for the Tao (universe). When you say to the universe "what are you telling me to do", it will not answer (it cannot answer). You, on the other hand, might perceive and answer. That answer always comes from us-from within. You see, when you are struggling, it is because you are not going with the flow of life. You are trying to force something to happen when the circumstances are not there for it to happen. So, if the crops won't grow, we call it "the will of god" instead of realizing that some other cause might be involved. Or if things are just unsettled, we also tend to think the universe is unsettled, rather than thinking the time is not right or we are too distracted mentally to focus on the immediate task on hand.

When things like that happen, it is important to step back and slow down. Take a deep breath and move on. Know that life is unbalanced because you are unbalanced. The answer is always simply to bring your self back into balance.

Just how you do that depends on the circumstances. Sometimes it's as simple as taking a break. Other times, it may be a lot more complicated possibly involving a major life change. But in all cases, it involves you taking action-not waiting for some god to help you out of whatever situation you find yourself in.

More insights later today!

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