Saturday, August 9, 2008


Just today I read another article about another jogger being attacked by a bear in Anchorage.

She was jogging (no doubt with her headphones on and oblivious to all around her) on a trail where at least three others have been attacked.

HELLO!!! I cannot believe anyone would be that dumb. But they are.

So guy wrote a letter to the editor complaining that there are just too many bears. He jogs the trails and cannot believe how many bears there are. My guess is that the number of bears is about the same. The big difference is the increase of clueless joggers who tune out their surroundings and run smack into bear country and then are surprised when a bear attacks.

This is just another example of clueless people moving through life at odds with the harmony of nature.

In all my years of hiking and fishing, I have never been close to a bear on any trail. That is because I make noise and avoid the most used bear trails. To me that is common sense. I guess that is something too many of us lack these days.


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