Thursday, April 3, 2008

Your Path to Enlightment

All of these discussions are designed to lead to on your path to enlightenment. But what is enlightenment?

As I said before, to me, enlightenment is having knowledge of who and what you really are and why you are here.

By knowledge, I do not mean belief. I me a knowing. This knowing is not scientific. There is no way to measure or test this knowledge. Yet, once you have it, there is no doubt. How does that work? Ah! That is the end result of the path to enlightenment. That is what you are here for.

This all ties back into my discussion of Plato. Just how did Plato know about the forms? People will tell you that he really didn't know about them-he only believed they were there. Not only that-he was wrong. There are no forms. Of course, these people are really doing the thing they accused him of doing because they have no proof that the forms don't exist.

For most people in the west, all matters of religion are matters of faith. We have no way of proving that god, or any other mystical or spiritual thing exists. So it is all a mater of belief. However, for those who know, it is not belief.

more later.....

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